08-24-2012, 06:29 PM
There is a speed hacker that came on the NBS clan trade server today his name was Zachery, at first he was talking on the mic if auto ban was on and if the server detected hacks. I replied with "I'm pretty sure there is" and he asked me if the ban would be permanent or temporary I replied with "perma most likely" then he said "screw it Im using it but whoever says 'I' I will shut up and type." A few minutes later after telling Mark he stopped and then now around 6:25 he started using it again and after saying "I told the admin what you did" he said "You think its really gonna scare me that you're telling the admin" now I heard him say on the mic "Hahaha Im waiting for the admin but he's not here! wow so bad oh well I dont care if Im banned"