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Hacker 4/29/2012
We had a hacker in the server on Sunday evening.
We get them all the time, but this one was a little tougher to deal with, so im letting you know what happened.

i wasnt in the server at the time, but this character apparently had some sort of quick switch script that allowed him to quickly change his user name to those of other legitimate players in the server, and then spam the chat with music. the admin who was present at the time did what always works; kick/ban the offender, but this time the spammer simply switched his id/name to someone else. turned out the in game admin tools were ineffective against this.

when i got called in, i used the next level console admin tool, and again, it wasnt totally up to the job since he was switching so quickly. but after observing for a bit i figured out who it was and banned him.

in the meantime several players got kicked or even banned from the in game admin tools, which just werent up to the job. that said there is nothing better, so not sure what to do about that.

in any event, i have erased any bans during that time period. if there is anyone still banned (we use a global ban system located at but sometimes the server stores bans locally and those have to be erased manually) let me know and i will take care of it.

the bad news is the account used for the attack was free to play, and so new it wasnt even registered yet, so getting him vac banned etc. is a waste of time.

the good news is that we know where he lives (hayward, california) and will pursue getting his local cable company (comcast) to deal with him.

and based on this i know just what to do (and not to do) the next time this happens.


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