08-13-2012, 01:27 PM
After hours, days or even weeks of playing TF2 or idling (ingame or textmode), you are not getting item drops (or very few). Check to see the in-game console or textmode output. Do you see this error?: Fetched ####### bytes item schema version XXXXXXXX via HTTP; update is queued. (Note # & X will be numbers/letters in the real error).
If this is the case your item schema is not updating due to some form of sync error, eventually it may fix itself but that could take days or weeks. The item schema is an up-to-date list of all TF2 items with their attributes and settings. It has been determined that upon seeing this error you will rarely if ever receive any drops, while your game time will still be counting toward drops.
The Fix/Solution: manually update the item schema
Go here: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/log...mfortress2
Click on the newest entry (should be the first top one), it may have a green teamfortress2 tag next to it. Find items_game_url (green text entry), it will look something like this: "items_game_url": "http:\ \ media.steampowered.com\ apps\ 440\ scripts\ items\ items_game.b15236efd2954c19dcce66036eb22e58f00.
Go to the url, select all and copy into a new text file > items_game.txt, place text file into Steam\steamapps\yourusername\team fortress 2\tf\scripts\items (NOTE: scripts and items folders may not exist so you will have to create them).
Play or idle, you should now see: Current item schema is up-to-date with version XXXXXXXX Delete items_game.txt after a TF2 update and create a new one if you are still encountering the problem.
If this is the case your item schema is not updating due to some form of sync error, eventually it may fix itself but that could take days or weeks. The item schema is an up-to-date list of all TF2 items with their attributes and settings. It has been determined that upon seeing this error you will rarely if ever receive any drops, while your game time will still be counting toward drops.
The Fix/Solution: manually update the item schema
Go here: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/log...mfortress2
Click on the newest entry (should be the first top one), it may have a green teamfortress2 tag next to it. Find items_game_url (green text entry), it will look something like this: "items_game_url": "http:\ \ media.steampowered.com\ apps\ 440\ scripts\ items\ items_game.b15236efd2954c19dcce66036eb22e58f00.
Go to the url, select all and copy into a new text file > items_game.txt, place text file into Steam\steamapps\yourusername\team fortress 2\tf\scripts\items (NOTE: scripts and items folders may not exist so you will have to create them).
Play or idle, you should now see: Current item schema is up-to-date with version XXXXXXXX Delete items_game.txt after a TF2 update and create a new one if you are still encountering the problem.